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M.D. (Unani) Moalajat:

  • The M.D. PG degree shall have two examinations as follows:
    1.  First preliminary examination Part I at the end of one academic year after admission to 1st year.
    2.  Specialty wise (final) Part II examination shall be held at the end of 3rd academic years after admission to 1st year.

Paper I: Biochemistry & GeneticsSubjects for First year Examination:

  1. Paper II: Moalajat Usoole Tahqeeq wa Hayati Shumariyat (Fundamentals of Clinical Research and Biostatistics).
  2. Paper III: Usoole Tashkheesh, Tajveez mai jaded izafat (Principles of diagnosis and treatment with advancements).
  3. Paper IV: Ilaj bit tadabeer (Regimental therapy)

Subjects for Speciality Wise (final) Part II Examination:

  • Paper I: Amraz-e Nizame Hazm, Boul wa Tanasul (Diseases of Digestive and Urino-genital systems).
  • Paper II: Amraz Mutaddiya, Hummiyat, Jild wa Mafasil (Infectious diseases, Fevers and Diseases of skin and joints).
  • Paper III: Usoole Tashkheesh, Tajveez mai jaded izafat (Principles of diagnosis and treatment with advancements).
  • Paper IV: Ilaj bit tadabeer (Regimental therapy).

MS (Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan):

Subjects for First Year Examination:

  • Paper I: Biochemistry & Genetics
  • Paper II: Usoole Tahqeeq wa Hayati Shumariyat (Research Methodology and Biostatistics).
  • Paper III: Applied Anatomy and Physiology of female reproductive system.
  • Paper IV: Ilmul Qabalat (Obstetrics).

Subjects for Speciality wise (final) Part II examination:

  • Paper I: Jadid Tahqiqi Izafat (Recent Advancement).
  • Paper II: Amraze Nau-Maulood (Neonatology).
  •  Paper III: Amraze Niswan (Gynaecology).
Postgraduate Courses Offered Duration Intake (Seats)
M.S. (Mahir-e-Jarahat) Niswan wa Qabalat 3 years 3
M.D. (Mahir-e-Tib) Moalajat 3years 4